Prepare for sleep
Sleep preparation is very important.
During the day, it is important to take a few breaks, letting go and focusing on your breathing, relaxing your shoulders
These little exercises only take a few seconds, you can do them while waiting for the light to change or in a queue.
Avoid digital screens in the bedroom
Smartphones and screens are considered by experts as the "worst enemies of sleep".
Indeed,screens generate blue light which prevents melatonin secretion (sleep hormone).
In addition, using your smartphone at bedtime can agitate your mind, maintaining a state of wakefulness.
Fixed hours
Numerous studies highlight the importance of a regular sleep schedule to improve sleep quality.
Experts recommend not to hit the snooze button for more than an hour during the weekends and days off.
Do not force yourself
Trying to sleep at all costs can create tension and stress.
If you are feeling too restless, it is better not to go to bed.The best time to go to bed is when the following stimuli appear:yawning, blinking, loss of concentration, slight shivering.