Morphée in figures
...Morphée was born to help you meditate, relax, and fall asleep
...people relax and fall asleep with Morphée devices
4.8 / 5
..the satisfaction of our users is our greatest reward
...of our customers recommend our products to their friends and family
+200 sessions including soothing sounds, music and voice therapies.
...locations around the world are selling our products
Our mission
What motivates and drives us?
Imagining and designing non-digital solutions that deeply improve
well-being through meditation.
Our beautiful story begins in the heart of Provence...
With a chance encounter... :-)
In 2016, flatmates Charlie — a student with an entrepreneurial spirit — and Guillaume — a dreamer whose curious and creative mind had led him away from marketing consultancy and into documentary filmmaking around the world — discovered that they actually had much more than a few square metres in common. Quite spontaneously, the duo — a tennis player and firm believer in alternative medicine and a former insomniac converted to meditation — decided to combine their experiences, passions and convictions to help as many people as possible discover the benefits of relaxation in everyday life.
From the imaginary to the Morphée family
After 2 years of extensive research, in collaboration with designers and sleep specialists — sophrologists, doctors and sleep centres - Morphée was born with the sole intention of soothing our nights by combining meditation and disconnection.
In 2020, the family welcomes My Little Morphée which promotes the benefits of meditation to the youngest. The team also welcomes new collaborators the same year. Morphée expands abroad and foreign distributors join our adventure.